
Equipped with innovative critical and analytical thinking skills, Jared has a wide array of training and experience with research, from social psychology experiments to archival arts projects, conducting institutional studies to creating education resources.
Student Co-Research, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance (Dec 2020-Dec 2021)
Under the supervision of Daniel Hartley, our team is using ethnographic methods to understand why certain minority groups struggle at the conservatoire, ultimately to provide suggestions for improvement. My specific project focuses on the low-income student experience.
Research Assistant, The Automaticity in
Cognition, motivation, and evaluation (ACME) Lab, Yale University (Aug 2017-Jan 2018)
Under the supervision of Anton Gollwitzer and Dr. John Bargh, I assisted in running studies, analyzing data, and writing reports centered around pattern deviance aversion and its relationship to bias and prejudice.
Projects & Publications
Forthcoming (April 2021): "Harvesting," an original short play about Jared Andrew Michaud
Featured in "Ignite Your Story," Published
by Canon and the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
"Awakening 'Musical Sleepers' for Vocal
Inclusivity: Exploring the Remediation of Adolescent Poor-Pitch Singers in
Group Singing Contexts"
Accompanying resource: "Teaching 'Tone Deaf' Teens: An Educator's
Guidebook to Holistically Improving Pitch Accuracy for Adolescents in Group
Singing Contexts"
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance, Contemporary Music Pedagogy Project, 2021
the Pastoral in American Music Theater: Early Twentieth-Century Operetta, Children of Dreams, and the Perpetuation
of Rural Mythology"
Yale University Senior Thesis in Theater
Studies, Winner of the James S. Metcalfe Prize for Best Theatre Essay and the Beekman Cannon Friends Prize for Best Essay on a Musical Topic, 2019
"Theatre of the Oppressed in Rural Education: An Applied
Theatre Activity Teaching Social Empathy in Isolated, Homogenous Communities"
Yale University Senior Capstone in
Education Studies, 2019
August Wilson: Past, Present, and Future — A Study Guide for Students and Teachers"
Long Wharf Theatre Department of Education TIP (Teacher Information Packet), 2018
"A Multitude of Butterflies: Examining Adaptations of the Butterfly
Story in a Contemporary Context"
in The Foundationalist, an Intercollegiate Literature Journal, 2018
"The Road to Yale: Application, Essays, and Resumes that Wowed Yale Admission Officers"
Featuring Jared's college admissions essays and profile, 2017
Introduction to Ethnographic Methods Course, Social Research Association (Dr. Karen O'Reilly), 2021